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Jika Gambar dirasa Kurang jelas, mohon klik pada gambar tersebut untuk melihatnya dalam ukuran asli.
sumber: http://www.sawasanganam.com/2008/07/cara-membuat-posting-pada-blogspot.html
Selasa, 22 November 2011
Selasa, 01 November 2011
The Fairie's Cake
Once upon a time, there was a women who best baked a cake in the world. Her name is Lucy. One day, she stolen by the fairies and she locked in the kitchen in fairyland. The fairies command to Lucy to make a best cake.
Lucy thought, "how can she make a cake without flour, eggs, sugar, bowl and another ingredients?" so, the fairies must went to lucy's house to take the ingredients. when lucy started to make a cake, lucy remember her baby, her husband, her cat and her dog. so the fairies must went to lucy's house again to take lucy's family and lucy's pets. but the fairies very tired because lucy always command they to came and back until their wings broked and finally they can't flew, so they must walked.
at last, lucy ready to make a cake, but "where's the oven?" so, the fairies must went to lucy's house again to take the oven. and lucy make a plan. so, when the fairies came with oven, lucy started her plan, her husband was singing, her baby was crying, her cat was yowling, and her dog was roaring. because the fairies very tired, so they chased lucy to came back her house, but lucy command they to came back her oven. and finally lucy's family and pets back to their house.
because felt fault, when the oven came back, lucy make a best cake to the fairy. but tomorrow, the cake was lost.
Lucy thought, "how can she make a cake without flour, eggs, sugar, bowl and another ingredients?" so, the fairies must went to lucy's house to take the ingredients. when lucy started to make a cake, lucy remember her baby, her husband, her cat and her dog. so the fairies must went to lucy's house again to take lucy's family and lucy's pets. but the fairies very tired because lucy always command they to came and back until their wings broked and finally they can't flew, so they must walked.
at last, lucy ready to make a cake, but "where's the oven?" so, the fairies must went to lucy's house again to take the oven. and lucy make a plan. so, when the fairies came with oven, lucy started her plan, her husband was singing, her baby was crying, her cat was yowling, and her dog was roaring. because the fairies very tired, so they chased lucy to came back her house, but lucy command they to came back her oven. and finally lucy's family and pets back to their house.
because felt fault, when the oven came back, lucy make a best cake to the fairy. but tomorrow, the cake was lost.
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